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Annual Meeting

Tri-State EMC annual meeting is the 3rd Saturday in September. Members of the cooperative may register between 8:00 AM and 10:00 AM. The member will be presented a ballot which will list the qualifying candidates for the Board of Directors position. The member will complete the ballot and drop it in the designated ballot box. Please note, in the event a run-off election is necessary, each member will present the registration card for another ballot. Entertainment is normally provided during this allotted time.

The meeting begins at 10:00 AM. The cooperative reports are presented to the members of the cooperative. The newly elected Board of Directors will be announced, and a short recess to assign new officers of the Board for the upcoming year. This decision is determined by the Board of Directors. The cooperative holds a drawing from the registration cards. Special prizes are presented during this time. The member must be present to win.

Tri-State would like to invite and encourage each member to attend.